Thursday, August 28, 2008

Here are some tips to stay focused on starting your home based business:

In order to stay focus on starting your home based business, you need to organize yourself.

1. Chunk down
If you have a large task to perform, break it into smaller components so it can be easier for you. For instance, register a domain name can be broken into: "Think of ten domain names", "Look for good keywords", "Find out where to register it", "Find out how to register it" and so on.

2. Make and Keep a 'to do' list
Before starting the day, make sure you have a "to do" list. If you start the day organized you will end up the day organized. Also, always keep some paper and a pen with you so that you can write down any ideas that can arise.

3. Schedule your time
Every evening, write what you have to do for the next day but include the time frame for each task. If you don’t finish one task during the time you had scheduled, go to the next task and if you have time go back to the unfinished task and finish it. By doing this you will avoid a lot of stress.

4. Set goals
Set realistic goals and work hard to accomplish them. Visualize exactly where you want to be in a month, six months and a year.

5. Say no
If you have a full time job and are starting your home based business in our free time, say no to your boss when he offers you to work over time. If you work from home, say no to your friends and family when they invite you to go out.

If you really want to succeed with your business, it is very important that you stay focus on your business.

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